Meet the Content Creator

Meredith (1), Nick, and Morgan : Christmas 2021

Welcome to Big Little Homeschool's webpage and blog. We are so excited that you are here. If you are here and you have made it this far, that means that like us, you have a passion for bringing some type of education into your home for your little human(s). Whether your child is 1 or 10, there will be things here that apply to all ages!

My name is Morgan and I am the founder and content creator behind Big Little Homeschool. Pictured above is my beautiful family, including my daughter Meredith and her father, Nick. As the founder of Big Little Homeschool, it is important to me that I have some level of transparency with my online family, so here is a little bit about me to get us started. I am not just a mom to a toddler (now 2 years old) but also a toddler teacher here in Missouri. This is my third year of teaching in a formal setting but I have been working with kids for close to a decade between summer camps and being a full-time nanny for two beautiful children. After graduating with my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education, I went right on to a Master of Education program with an emphasis in Montessori Education. As I started my graduate program, Nick and I were surprised with the news that we were pregnant with our beautiful daughter! Little did we know that she would be the reason and the push I needed to start my own business. Everything I do has her in mind and she is the best quality inspector there is. I also completed an Early Childhood Certification test last year! Can you tell that I love school?

Now, one calendar year after finishing my graduate program, Big Little Homeschool is kicking off and we are so excited to see where this journey takes us! Nick is also a content creator on YouTube, so there is plenty to keep us busy at home. We both work full time jobs and we love to spend quality time together outside and being as active as possible. Meredith is so strong and very active... its hard to keep her sitting down for very long but we know that while her gross motor skills are important, that other parts of her body, like her brain, need exercise, too. Again, we are thrilled that you are here.

Welcome, to Big Little Homeschool.

"Children must be taught how to think, not what to think." - Margaret Mead

Meredith (1.5) reading with our puppy after a library book haul.

Reading has always been a big part of Meredith's life. As soon as she was born, we started reading to her and with her. I would read chapter books to her while she nursed and picture books when she was playing. Now, at age 2, she has a love for books that is astounding! She even has a few memorized and she can "read" them to me and Dadda.

Meredith (2) & Momma at the pumpkin patch.

Being outdoors and in nature is critical to the development of a child. Their bodies and minds are built to learn through their senses: see, touch, hear, smell, and taste. Children absorb everything around them subconsciously.. have you ever noticed that they mimic everything you do? If you teach them that being outdoors is fun from an early age, it will continue when they are older!